(PECL imagick 2 >= 2.2.2, PECL imagick 3)
Imagick::orderedPosterizeImage — Performs an ordered dither
此函数在 Imagick 3.4.4 中被 废弃,强烈建议不要应用此函数。
, int $channel
= Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT): bool
Performs an ordered dither based on a number of pre-defined dithering threshold maps, but over multiple intensity levels, which can be different for different channels, according to the input arguments. 此方法在Imagick基于ImageMagick 6.3.1以上版本编译时可用。
A string containing the name of the threshold dither map to use
Provide any channel constant that is valid for your channel mode. To apply to more than one channel, combine channeltype constants using bitwise operators. Refer to this list of channel constants.
成功时返回 true
错误时抛出 ImagickException。
示例 #1 Imagick::orderedPosterizeImage()
function orderedPosterizeImage($imagePath, $orderedPosterizeType) {
$imagick = new \Imagick(realpath($imagePath));
header("Content-Type: image/png");
echo $imagick->getImageBlob();
//orderedPosterizeImage($imagePath, 'o4x4,3,3');
//orderedPosterizeImage($imagePath, 'o8x8,6,6');
orderedPosterizeImage($imagePath, 'h8x8a');